State Innovations to Advance Respite Care – Policy Strategies Shared at the State-Federal Respite Summit

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Prepared by the National Academy for State Health Policy In February 2024, the National Academy for State Health Policy (NASHP), as part of its Lifespan Respite Special Projects grant from…

Federal Funding and Support Opportunities for Respite

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Building Blocks for Lifespan Respite Systems This guide provides information about each of the federal programs that provides or could potentially provide respite funding or support. It is meant to…

Publicly Funded Respite Options for Caregivers in North Carolina

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Produced by the NC Lifespan Respite Project, NC Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Aging and Adult Services This document was originally developed in 2017 by a workgroup…

Financial Assistance for Family Caregivers

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Can I get paid to be a Family Caregiver? ARCH is frequently asked if payment is available for family caregivers. There may be help for you, but resources are limited,…

Securing a Stable Funding Base

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While materials abound on this subject, none so succinctly lays out the issues related to funding. Making reference to the classics in the field of funding, this guide book simplifies…

Medicaid Waivers for Respite Support

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State-by-State Summaries of Medicaid Waiver Information State-by-State Summaries of Medicaid Waiver Information Author: Kathy Mayfield-Smith, Research Associate Professor, Division of Medicaid Policy Research, Institute for Families in Society at the University…

Summary Table of Federal Programs that Support Respite Care

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Information on federal programs that support respite. For more in-depth information, see Federal Funding Opportunities for Respite.

Tools for Sustainability: Financing Strategies for Lifespan Respite Programs and State Respite Coalitions

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The matrix, Financing Strategies for Lifespan Respite Programs and State Respite Coalitions, provides a summary of approaches that can be used by Lifespan Respite grantees or programs and state respite coalitions to…

Nebraska Respite Programs Funding Matrix

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From Nebraska Lifespan Respite Network

Oklahoma Statewide Caregiver Respite Programs

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Table of all publicly-funded respite program options available in Oklahoma