Resource Library: Lifespan Respite
Volunteer Respite Squad: Learn how to create your own Respite Volunteer Program
Volunteer Respite Squad: Learn how to create your own Respite Volunteer Program Webinar hosted by the ARCH Volunteer and Faith-based Respite Learning Collaborative on Dec 12, 2024 The innovative Volunteer…
State Summaries of Lifespan Respite Grant Activities and Outcomes Final Reports FY 2020 Grantees
State Summaries of Lifespan Respite Grant Activities and Outcomes Final Reports FY 2020 Grantees This report contains summaries of the final reports from FY 2020 State Lifespan Respite grantees in…
Taking Care: Resource Guide for Caregivers
With support from the Virginia Lifespan Respite Care Program grant administered by the Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitation Services (DARS), the Virginia Caregiver Coalition (VCC) created Taking Care, a…
Illinois Caregiver Survey Results
The survey was conducted by the Illinois Respite Coalition in collaboration with the IL Lifespan Respite grantee to help inform the work of the IL Lifespan Respite Task Force. The…
Family Support 101: Understanding Policies that Support Family and Family Caregivers
Hosted by the Association of University Centers on Disabilities for their trainees to learn about policies that support family and family caregivers. The participants learned: Overview and history of family…
National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers: Steps States Can Take to Implement Respite Actions
ARCH presentation for the first meeting of the Illinois Lifespan Respite Task Force, December 12, 2023 In a virtual presentation at the first meeting of the Illinois Lifespan Respite Task…
Respite for Individuals with Autism
This issue brief provides a basic overview of useful information for respite providers who work with individuals and families affected by Autism. It is also meant to assist Lifespan Respite…
Respite Care: State Policy Resource Guide
Prepared by the National Academy for State Health Policy in consultation With ARCH The ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center created a Learning Collaborative of state administrators and their…
State Lifespan Respite Grantee and Partner Orientation Guide
CONGRATULATIONS on being a new Lifespan Respite Grantee or Partner! WELCOME to the Lifespan Respite Network. If you are a seasoned grantee or coalition partner, this resource will still be…
State Policies to Strengthen the Direct Care Workforce
This presentation was made to the Lifespan Respite Grantee and Partner Learning Collaborative on Implementing the National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers. The focus of this presentation is onĀ Strengthening the…
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