National Respite Care Provider Training and Replication Toolkit

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Respite Provider Recruitment, Training, and Retention Project Executive Summary The Respite Provider Recruitment, Training and Retention Project was funded by the Administration for Community Living. Through this initiative, the ARCH…

National Respite Care Provider Training Webinar: Lessons from the States

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Hosted by the National Academy for State Health Policy To recruit and train the respite workforce, ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center, in partnership with the National Academy for…

National Respite Care Provider Training Core Competencies

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The National Respite Care Provider TrainingTM  Core Competencies were developed by an expert work group convened by ARCH that included representatives of state and national organizations and government agencies that…

National Respite Care Provider Training Courses

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The National Respite Care Provider TrainingTM (NRCPT), an entry-level competency-based  respite provider training curriculum, developed as a collaboration between ARCH, the National Academy for State Health Policy, and the Respite…

National/State Partnership to Launch a New Respite Provider Recruitment and Training Initiative

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Video Presentation at the Home and Community-Based Services Conference, August 2022 With support from the Administration for Community Living, the National Academy for State Health Policy joined forces with the…

A Step-by-Step Guide to Successful Training

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A trained staff is essential for effective delivery of safe and quality services.  This guidebook has been developed to help trainers create and implement interactive, quality training experiences.  It contains…

White Paper: Building Capacity and Coordinating Support for Family Caregivers and the Direct Service Workforce

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National Direct Service Workforce Resource Center, Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services Common goals and policy recommendations emerging from the CMS Leadership Summit on the direct service workforce and family…

Arkansas Volunteer Respite Training Guide and Registration Form

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From Arkansas Lifespan Respite Coalition

ARCH/NASHP Expert Workgroup on Respite Provider Core Competencies

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ARCH  convened an Expert Workgroup that participated in an extensive review of existing core competencies and evidence-based frameworks developed by national and state organizations, governmental entities, and universities in training curriculum for…

Moving Respite Forward in New York State

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This presentation was part of the Lifespan Respite Track at the 2021 Virtual International Short Break Conference cohosted by ARCH Presenters Deana Prest, New York Office for the Aging, Division…