Crisis Respite Eligibility Criteria – Nebraska Lifespan Respite Network

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Example from Nebraska Lifespan Respite Network Crisis Respite Funds may be used for crisis situations defined as an unforeseen circumstance or unplanned event that calls for immediate action or an…

Guidelines for ID Emergency Caregiver Respite Program

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From the Idaho Lifespan Respite Coalition

Caregiver Assessment Survey

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Assessment Tool from Nevada Lifespan Respite program for use by Rx Respite Pilot Voucher Program

State Summaries of Lifespan Respite Grant Activities, Interim Report 2019

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State Summaries of Lifespan Respite Grant Activities, Interim Report 2019 In the summaries of state Lifespan Respite grant objectives, outcomes and activities since 2014 that are included in this compendium,…

South Carolina Emergency Respite Vouchers

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Prepared by the South Carolina Respite Coalition The Emergency Respite Voucher is available to family caregivers in need of emergency respite for obtaining primary care. Vouchers are available for up…

New York Caregiver Focus Group Report, 2021

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Developed by the New York State Office for the Aging Utilizing a focus group model, NYSOFA and partners gathered input and recommendations from caregivers on ways to better serve their…

Creating Respite Where It Doesn’t Exist: A “Gap-Filling” Person-Centered Approach to Respite

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This presentation was part of the Lifespan Respite Track at the 2021 Virtual International Short Break Conference cohosted by ARCH Presenters Jamie Ahumada, Nevada Aging and Disability Services Division, NV…

Virginia Lifespan Respite Voucher Program: Successes, Challenges, and Lessons Learned

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This presentation was part of the Lifespan Respite Track at the 2021 Virtual International Short Break Conference cohosted by ARCH Presenters Nick Slentz, Virginia Department of Aging and Rehabilitative Services…

Partnerships for Caregivers (and Respite Voucher Programs) in a No Wrong Door/ADRC Environment During a Pandemic

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This was a presentation in the Lifespan Respite Track of the 2021 Virtual International Short Break Conference Presenters Alicia Hess Blater, North Carolina Division of Aging and Adult Services, NC,…

Respite Benevolence Policy

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Prepared by the South Carolina Respite Coalition and Family Connection of South Carolina In respite voucher programs administered by faith congregations, the congregation provides no direct services of respite care…