Resource Library: Sustainability
State Summaries of Lifespan Respite Grant Activities and Outcomes Final Reports FY 2020 Grantees
State Summaries of Lifespan Respite Grant Activities and Outcomes Final Reports FY 2020 Grantees This report contains summaries of the final reports from FY 2020 State Lifespan Respite grantees in…
State Summaries of Lifespan Respite Grant Activities and Outcomes, Grantee Final Reports, FY 2017 and FY 2018
State Summaries of Lifespan Respite Grant Activities and Outcomes Final Reports, FY 2017 and FY 2018 Grantees This report contains summaries of the final reports from FY 2017 and FY…
In Support of Caregivers: Key Accomplishments of Lifespan Respite Program Grantees
Through competitive grants, the Lifespan Respite Care Program supports individual state grantees to achieve Five Objectives: Expand and enhance respite services in the states; Improve coordination and dissemination of respite services; Streamline…
Federal Funding and Support Opportunities for Respite
Building Blocks for Lifespan Respite Systems This guide provides information about each of the federal programs that provides or could potentially provide respite funding or support. It is meant to…
Imagine Data, Reimagine Tantalizing Data
Presentation at the 2022 National Lifespan Respite Conference Imagine your data. Now, reimagine it presented in a form that tantalizes and engages. This session filled with hands-on learning experiences will…
Caregivers in the Workplace – Finding Balance for Your Employees
The New York State Office for the Aging (NYSOFA) and the New York State Department of Labor (DOL) developed the Caregiver Guide for Businesses. A rack card helps promote the…
New York State Lifespan Respite Final Sustainability Plan Report
The June 24, 2022, Sustainability Learning Collaborative featured Deana Prest and Abbey Derepentigny from the NY State Office for the Aging. They presented the New York State Caregiving and Respite…
Securing a Stable Funding Base
While materials abound on this subject, none so succinctly lays out the issues related to funding. Making reference to the classics in the field of funding, this guide book simplifies…
Medicaid Waivers for Respite Support
State-by-State Summaries of Medicaid Waiver Information State-by-State Summaries of Medicaid Waiver Information Author: Kathy Mayfield-Smith, Research Associate Professor, Division of Medicaid Policy Research, Institute for Families in Society at the University…
Finance Project Logic Model
Posted with permission from The Finance Project
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