From Theory to Practice: Sustainability Tools for Lifespan Respite Grantees and Partners

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ARCH has collaborated with The Finance Project to bring a set of comprehensive tools to the Lifespan Respite grantees and their partners to help them plan for continuation of Lifespan Respite activities…

Nebraska Lifespan Respite Network’s eLifespan Respite System

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The Nebraska Lifespan Respite Network demonstrates their eLifespan Respite System, an online information and referral, and secure online data and workspace system, designed to facilitate statewide access to coordinated respite…

Funding Sustainability for Lifespan Respite Programs, Part II: Examples from the States

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Examples from the States  As federal, state, and even private funding sources remain extremely limited, state Lifespan Respite grantees and their partners will have to work creatively to maximize and…

Introduction to a Framework for Sustainability Planning

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The goal of the webinar is to introduce a comprehensive approach to sustainability planning for Lifespan Respite grantees and their partners. The interactive webinar presents a framework for sustainability planning…

How Fundraising Flows From Strategic Planning

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Explanation of the interrelationship between strategic planning, marketing, and fundraising. Includes a step-by-step strategic planning process.