Resource Library: Guide
National Respite Care Provider Training and Replication Toolkit
Respite Provider Recruitment, Training, and Retention Project Executive Summary The Respite Provider Recruitment, Training and Retention Project was funded by the Administration for Community Living. Through this initiative, the ARCH…
Cultural and Linguistic Competence Assessment for Respite Organizations
Cultural and Linguistic Competence Assessment for Respite Organizations was prepared for ARCH by the Georgetown University National Center for Cultural Competence Organizational self-assessment is a necessary, effective, and systematic way to…
Taking Care: Resource Guide for Caregivers
With support from the Virginia Lifespan Respite Care Program grant administered by the Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitation Services (DARS), the Virginia Caregiver Coalition (VCC) created Taking Care, a…
Respite Care: State Policy Resource Guide
Prepared by the National Academy for State Health Policy in consultation With ARCH The ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center created a Learning Collaborative of state administrators and their…
State Lifespan Respite Grantee and Partner Orientation Guide
CONGRATULATIONS on being a new Lifespan Respite Grantee or Partner! WELCOME to the Lifespan Respite Network. If you are a seasoned grantee or coalition partner, this resource will still be…
Self-Directed Respite Voucher Guide
Self-Directed Respite Voucher Guide and Readiness Assessment Tool developed by Applied Self-Direction in partnership with the ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center. Authors: Molly Morris and Laura Mauldin, Applied…
Federal Funding and Support Opportunities for Respite
Building Blocks for Lifespan Respite Systems This guide provides information about each of the federal programs that provides or could potentially provide respite funding or support. It is meant to…
Measuring Systems Change: A Brief Guide
Prepared by Administration for Community Living, Office of Performance and Evaluation, ACL Data Council, 2021 This brief provides an introduction to measuring systems change, including how systems and systems change…
Publicly Funded Respite Options for Caregivers in North Carolina
Produced by the NC Lifespan Respite Project, NC Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Aging and Adult Services This document was originally developed in 2017 by a workgroup…
The ABCs of Respite
A Consumer Guide to Respite for Family Caregivers In this Consumer Guide, you can find insight on how to plan for respite, information about the types of respite available, and…
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