In Support of Caregivers: Key Accomplishments of Lifespan Respite Program Grantees

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Through competitive grants, the Lifespan Respite Care Program supports individual state grantees to achieve Five Objectives: Expand and enhance respite services in the states; Improve coordination and dissemination of respite services; Streamline…

Respite Care Professional Core Competencies

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The Respite Care Professional Core Competencies were developed by an expert work group convened by ARCH that included representatives of state and national organizations and government agencies that represent children,…

Respite Care Provider Training Courses

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The Respite Care Provider Training (RCPT), a competency-based entry level respite provider training curriculum, developed by the Respite Care Association of Wisconsin as part of the ARCH/National Academy for State…

Federal Funding and Support Opportunities for Respite

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Building Blocks for Lifespan Respite Systems This guide provides information about each of the federal programs that provides or could potentially provide respite funding or support. It is meant to…

ARCH Annotated Bibliography of Respite and Crisis Care Studies, 2nd Edition

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This document annotates published research studies that focus on respite outcomes and contains brief summaries of 38 articles written between 1979 and 2002 and published in professional, peer-reviewed journals. The…

Measuring Systems Change: A Brief Guide

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Prepared by Administration for Community Living, Office of Performance and Evaluation, ACL Data Council, 2021 This brief provides an introduction to measuring systems change, including how systems and systems change…

North Carolina Volunteer Caregiver Respite Consortium

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Developed by the Center for Volunteer Caregiving in Cary, NC, as an initiative included in the State’s three-year Lifespan Respite Grant. The Center for Volunteer Caregiving has pledged ongoing support…

Statewide Family Networks

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Prepared by Elizabeth Sweet, M.Ed., Public Health Advisor, Child, Adolescent, and Family Branch, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Statewide Family Networks are funded by the Substance Abuse…

ARCH List of Crisis Nurseries

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ARCH List of Crisis Nurseries is a list that is provided by ARCH for informational purposes only and is not all-inclusive. The fact that a program is or is not…

Study of Four Lifespan Respite Programs

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In 2004, ARCH endeavored to secure the most current information about the existing State Lifespan Respite Programs by conducting state surveys and follow-up interviews. While only four states had implemented…