New York Lifespan Respite Final Sustainability Plan Report, January 2022

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New York Lifespan Respite Final Sustainability Plan Report, January 2022 The New York State Lifespan Respite Program Core Team includes the New York State Office for the Aging (NYSOFA), the…

Nevada Lifespan Respite Care Coalition 2020 Action Plan

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Nevada Lifespan Respite Care Coalition 2020 Action Plan. Goal: To Promote Awareness and Acceptance of Respite as a valued and normalized support.

Idaho Caregiver Alliance Strategic Plan 2020-2024

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This document details the 2020 Idaho Caregiver Alliance (ICA) Action Plan and outlines opportunities, challenges, and strategic objectives. Evidence of the critical role family caregivers fill is provided in the…

Idaho’s Lifespan Family Caregiver Action Plan

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This plan, developed by the Idaho Family Caregiver Alliance, is the product of countless hours of research, outreach, deliberation, and problem solving. It reflects the voice of thousands of often…

Summary: North Carolina Lifespan Respite Strategic Plan: 2015-2020

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This two-page summary highlights the main points of the full strategic plan for the NC Lifespan Respite Care Project for 2015-2020.

Take a Break SC! Sustaining South Carolina’s Family Caregivers through Respite

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This report from the SC Lifespan Respite State Advisory Committee was developed to  guide the development of the state’s coordinated lifespan respite system. In furtherance of the quest to coordinate…

Ohio Respite Coalition Lifespan Respite Strategic Plan, 2013-2018

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The Ohio Respite Coalition (ORC) is a statewide collaboration among family members, caregivers, advocates, respite providers, agencies, community groups, and state and local government officials who believe all caregivers could…