State Strategies to Engage Employers, Conversation with Grace Whiting, National Alliance for Caregiving

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State Strategies to Engage Employers, Conversation with Grace Whiting, National Alliance for Caregiving, April 22, 2015 Call Description: Grace whiting shared updates on the National Alliance for Caregiving’s Champions Coalition…

Fundamentals of Developing and Implementing Voucher Respite (Part 2)

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Fundamentals of Developing and Implementing Voucher Respite (Part 2), March 11, 2015 Call Description Several grantees and partners described the basic considerations for developing a respite voucher program and the…

Training and Recruitment of Respite Providers and Volunteers – Examples from State Lifespan Respite Grantees and Partners

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ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center · Provider Training 1 – 28 – 15 Call Description: Short presentations were made by Jim Schroeder, Respite Care Association of Wisconsin and Brandi Mason, Alabama…

The Fundamentals of Developing and Implementing Voucher Respite, Part 1

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The Fundamentals of Developing and Implementing Voucher Respite, Part 1, July 10, 2014 Call Description Some state lifespan respite grantees and/or state respite coalitions or other primary partners have implemented…

Marketing Respite to Family Caregivers: Examples from State Lifespan Respite Initiatives

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Marketing Respite to Family Caregivers: Examples from State Lifespan Respite Initiatives, January 9, 2014  Call Description: Strategies for marketing respite to family caregivers was raised as an area of interest on…

Linking Lifespan Respite to your State’s Long-term Services and Supports (LTSS) Initiatives

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Linking Lifespan Respite to your State’s Long-term Services and Supports (LTSS) Initiatives, June 9, 2014  Call Description: Some state Lifespan Respite Programs have begun collaborating with their state Medicaid program to…

Strategic Planning for Lifespan Respite: Why is it important and how is it done?

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Strategic Planning for Lifespan Respite: Why is it important and how is it done? March 19, 2013 Pat Luchkowsky from the Ohio Respite Coalition and Jane Byrnes from the Ohio…

Planning for Lifespan Respite Grant Activities: Beyond the First Three Years

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Planning for Lifespan Respite Grant Activities: Beyond the First Three Years, January 30, 2013 Greg Link with the Administration for Community Living/Administration on Aging provided background on FY 2012 Lifespan…