Resource Library: Webinars
Leading the Inclusive Tourism Movement to Provide Respite Breaks in Scotland, UK
Kerry Donaghy, Respitality Manager at Shared Care Scotland, described how they have built and maintained a strong and positive relationship with the country’s tourism industry through a nine-year strong Respitality initiative,…
Volunteer Respite Squad: Learn how to create your own Respite Volunteer Program
Volunteer Respite Squad: Learn how to create your own Respite Volunteer Program Webinar hosted by the ARCH Volunteer and Faith-based Respite Learning Collaborative on Dec 12, 2024 The innovative Volunteer…
DAY 3 Respite Research Summit: Culturally and Linguistically Competent Respite Research
Cultural and Contextual Adaptations of Adult Day Services: Enhancing Inclusivity and Relevance in Respite Care Lauren J. Parker, PhD, MPH, Associate Scientist, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore,…
DAY 3 Respite Research Summit: Philanthropy’s Role in Advancing Diversity in Respite Research
Presenters Rani Snyder, MPA, Vice President, Program, The John A. Hartford Foundation PPT Slides Ken Genewick, MBA, Vice President of Programs, Health Foundation for Western and Central New York PPT…
DAY 3 Respite Research Summit: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility in Respite Research
Presenter Kim Whitmore, PhD, RN, Marquette University College of Nursing PPT Slides
DAY 2 Respite Research Summit: Emerging National, State, and Local Respite Services Evaluations
Moderated by Kim Whitmore, PhD, RN, Marquette University Presenters Center for Dementia Respite Innovation: Overview and Evaluation Plan Rebecca Utz, PhD, Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Education and Professor,…
Day 2 Respite Research Summit: Developing Research-Ready Respite Services – ARCH Innovative and Exemplary Respite Services Evaluation Grantees
Moderated by Susan Janko Summers, PhD, ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center Presenters Elaine Whitford, Executive Director, Center for Volunteer Caregiving, Cary, NC Hyuntae Kim, MSW, Julianne Secrist, MSN,…
Day 1 Respite Research Summit: National Initiatives that Align with the CARR’s Value of Respite Framework and Recommendations for Common Data Elements
Panel Presentations Moderated by Kim Whitmore, PhD, RN, Marquette University, ARCH Research Consultant Evaluation Plan for Guiding an Improved Dementia Experience (GUIDE) Model Lynn Miescier, PhD, MHA, Center for Medicare…
DAY 1 ARCH Respite Research Summit: Welcome and Opening Session: Value of Respite Model and Common Data Elements
Welcome and Review of Agenda Jill Kagan, MPH, Director, ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center Lori Stalbaum, Administration for Community Living, Administration on Aging, U.S. Department of Health and…
Information Session for 2025 Innovative and Exemplary Respite Services Application
On September 4, 2024, ARCH held an information session for prospective applicants for recognition as an Innovative and Exemplary Respite Service. Please find the the presentation slides, chat transcript with…
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