Mission & History of the National Respite Coalition

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Mission of the National Respite Coalition

The Mission of the ARCH National Respite Coalition is to secure quality, accessible, planned and crisis respite services for all families and caregivers in need of such services in order to strengthen and stabilize families, and enhance child and adult safety.

The Coalition works to achieve these goals by preserving and promoting respite in policy and programs at the national, state, and local levels.

Since 1994, the National Respite Coalition has engaged in legislative and administrative advocacy to support national and state efforts to make respite and crisis care available to all families and family caregivers caring for

  • Children and adults with disabilities and chronic illness
  • Older adults with disabilities, chronic illness, dementia and functional limitations
  • Children and adults at risk of abuse and neglect.

The National Respite Coalition continues to advocate for legislation and administrative change at the federal level to increase funding for respite care, ensure easy access to and flexibility in services, promote person and family-centered services, encourage best practices and enhance program quality, and improve and expand the respite provider workforce.

When you join the National Respite Network you are automatically a member of the National Respite Coalition, the Policy Division of the ARCH National Respite Network, and can receive the latest updates on Congressional legislative activity important to respite and the families you serve, as well as information from the states about program implementation. The ARCH National Respite Network is a program of Families and Communities Rising.