Cultural and Linguistic Competence in Respite Services


Organizational self-assessment is a necessary, effective, and systematic way to plan for and incorporate cultural and linguistic competence in respite services planning, delivery, implementation, advocacy and evaluation. An assessment should address the attitudes, behaviors, policies, structures, and practices of an organization, including but not limited to, those of its board, staff, faculty, consultants, contractors, advisory groups, and volunteers. The process should also elicit the experiences and opinions of the persons and communities served.

Cultural and Linguistic Competence Assessment for Respite Organizations (CLCARO) and the GUIDE FOR USING the Cultural and Linguistic Competence Assessment for Respite Organizations were funded by the Administration for Community Living and were prepared in collaboration with ARCH by the Georgetown University National Center for Cultural Competence. Respite Services: The Experiences and Recommendations of Service Providers and Racially, Ethnically, and Culturally Diverse Family Members was prepared by NCCC to help inform the development of the CLCARO.

Watch the webinar, an An Introduction to the Cultural and Linguistic Competence Assessment for Respite Organizations (CLCARO) and Guide, presented by Tawara Goode, Georgetown National Center for Cultural Competence.

Watch the Webinar

Additional Resources


Resources on Cultural and Linguistic Competence,  Equity in Respite Research, Cultural Adaptation, and State Tools from the ARCH Resource Library.

