Committee for Advancement of Respite Research Publications

The purpose of the Committee for Advancement of Respite Research (CARR) is to advise ARCH on the execution of its respite research initiative and help advance a respite research agenda that supports activities and innovations to develop an evidence base for respite care and related services. The CARR is comprised of research scholars and evaluators, advocates, and foundation representatives. The Committee prioritized three areas in which to identify and undertake tasks to advance a respite research agenda:

  1. Define and measure the value (cost-effectiveness) of respite
  2. Recommend common data elements (CDE) for respite-related research to allow for meaningful comparison of data across and
    between studies, between respite models, between study populations across age, disability, culture, and caregiving circumstances, or over time.
  3. Expand culturally and linguistically competent research with diverse populations by providing the necessary information and tools to the research community.

During the tenure of the Committee, the following publications were produced to address these important topics.

Measuring the Value of Respite

Recommended Common Data Elements for Respite Research

Cultural and Linguistic Competence in Respite Research