Resource Library
If you are looking for published research articles and other publications focused on respite research and evaluation, see also Findings and Updates and ARCH Annotated Bibliography.
Identifying, Measuring and Reporting Outcomes in Lifespan Respite Programs
Lifespan Respite Grantee and Partner Learning Symposium, Nashville, TN October 10, 2014 Presented By: Greg Link, ACL/AoA and Casandra Firman, ARCH Session Objectives: Review Lifespan Respite Program objectives Highlight evolution…
A Research Agenda for Respite Care
Deliberations of an Expert Panel of Researchers, Advocates and Funders To understand the existing research base, and to make recommendations for how to structure and organize future research in ways…
List of Resources for Volunteer and Faith-Based Respite
Curated list of Volunteer and Faith-based Respite Resources available from ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center, Lifespan Respite grantees and partners, national organizations and others. See also State Lifespan…
Time for Living and Caring: Making Respite Services Work for You!
Time for Living and Caring: Making Respite Services Work for You! This brochure from the faculty at the University of Utah Gerontology Interdisciplinary Program and California State University at San…
Federal Funding and Support Opportunities for Respite
Building Blocks for Lifespan Respite Systems This guide provides information about each of the federal programs that provides or could potentially provide respite funding or support. It is meant to…
Nevada State Plan for the Support of Family Caregivers: January 2022 to December 2024
Developed by the Nevada Lifespan Respite Care Coalition This State Plan was developed by the Nevada Lifespan Respite Care Coalition, with input from family caregivers, service providers, and state agencies,…
Health and Well-Being Index
Parent self-report The Health and Well-Being Index (HWI) was designed for parents raising a child with a developmental delay or disability. It is a brief (five-item) survey that provides a…
Nine Steps to Respite for Grandfamilies
If you are a grandparent or other relative caring for your grandchildren, nieces, nephews or other related children, you may be considered a “grandfamily.” The relationship between grandparents and grandchildren…
Including Diverse Stakeholders in Lifespan Respite
Including Diverse Stakeholders in Lifespan Respite, January 27, 2016 Call Description: Speakers discussed the special respite needs of the populations they serve and how respite helps families affected by MS…
Respite for Families Caring for Children Who Are Medically Fragile
Medically complex or medically fragile infants and children have numerous medical needs resulting from multiple chronic conditions, technology dependence, and/or complex medication treatments. This fact sheet is intended to provide a…
Lifespan Respite 101 Webinar: An historical look back
This 2010 webinar provides an historic look back at the start of the federal Lifespan Respite Care Program, including a review of Lifespan Respite legislation and best practices in the…
Successful State Approaches for Measuring Lifespan Respite Outcomes
2015 Lifespan Respite Grantee and Partner Learning Symposium, Washington, DC. Presented By: Emily Kearns, MA Lifespan Respite Coalition and Joyce Pohlman, TX Department of Aging and Disability Services
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