If you are looking for published research articles and other publications focused on respite research and evaluation, see also Findings and Updates and ARCH Annotated Bibliography.

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North Carolina Volunteer Caregiver Respite Consortium

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Developed by the Center for Volunteer Caregiving in Cary, NC, as an initiative included in the State’s three-year Lifespan Respite Grant. The Center for Volunteer Caregiving has pledged ongoing support…

Coordination/Collaboration Tracking Form

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Prepared by ARCH as a sample measurement tool for Lifespan Respite grantees/partners.

Medicare Advantage 2020 Infographic

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North Carolina Lifespan Respite Mini-Grantee QUARTERLY REPORTING FORM

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Reporting form developed by the NC Lifespan Respite Project for community-based mini-grantees to report on persons served and units of services provided with the grants; demographic information on those served;…

Assistive Technology Programs and Lifespan Respite: AT Resources for Family Caregivers and Respite Care Providers

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The 56 State and Territory Assistive Technology (AT) programs provide a multitude of resources and activities that can help family caregivers and respite care providers maintain or improve the functional…

Easterseals Respite Services Volunteer Form

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From Easterseals

Respite for Family Caregivers of Individuals with Brain Injury

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The webinar is brought to you by the National Association of State Head Injury Administrators (NASHIA) and the ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center. Respite for family caregivers of…

Guidelines for ID Emergency Caregiver Respite Program

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From the Idaho Lifespan Respite Coalition

Oregon Medicaid Home and Community-Based Waivers


Home and Community-Based 1915(c) Waivers for Respite Support Medicaid is a program in every state that pays for medical assistance for certain individuals and families with low incomes and resources.…

Massachusetts Medicaid Home and Community-Based Waivers


Home and Community-Based 1915(c) Waivers for Respite Support Medicaid is a program in every state that pays for medical assistance for certain individuals and families with low incomes and resources.…

Ohio Respite Coalition Lifespan Respite Strategic Plan, 2013-2018

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The Ohio Respite Coalition (ORC) is a statewide collaboration among family members, caregivers, advocates, respite providers, agencies, community groups, and state and local government officials who believe all caregivers could…

Arizona Caregivers Brochure

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Caregiver brochure created by the Arizona Department of Economic Security