If you are looking for published research articles and other publications focused on respite research and evaluation, see also Findings and Updates and ARCH Annotated Bibliography.

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Short breaks for carers: a scoping review

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Short breaks for carers: a scoping review Prepared by Diane Seddon and Louise Prendergast, Wales Centre for Ageing and Dementia Research, School of Health Sciences, Bangor University and funded by…

Creating Dementia-Friendly Congregations to Support African American Families

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Creating Dementia-Friendly Congregations to Support African American Families The ARCH Volunteer and Faith-based Respite Learning Collaborative held a webinar to learn more about the Alter program. Alter is the first of…

Respite Care Information and Referral Service Evaluation Form

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Developed by the Delaware Lifespan Respite Care Network  

Colorado Respite Care Task Force Report

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Colorado Respite Care Task Force 2016 Report to: Members of the Senate Health and Human Services Committee Colorado General Assembly Members of The House Public Health Care And Human Services…

Sustaining Lifespan Respite Systems: Lessons Learned and Practical Applications with a Checklist for Success

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Author: Susan Janko Summers, PhD, ARCH With technical assistance from ARCH and The Finance Project, eight Exemplar States chosen from among the Lifespan Respite grantees and partners, worked to develop…

Kentucky Medicaid Home and Community-Based Waivers


Home and Community-Based 1915(c) Waivers for Respite Support Medicaid is a program in every state that pays for medical assistance for certain individuals and families with low incomes and resources.…

Study of Four Lifespan Respite Programs

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In 2004, ARCH endeavored to secure the most current information about the existing State Lifespan Respite Programs by conducting state surveys and follow-up interviews. While only four states had implemented…

Initial Cover Letter: Example from Gio’s Garden

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Thank you for your interest in Gio’s Garden. This letter will give you more information about who qualifies for our services, and the process that you will go through to…

Practical Considerations When Starting a New Voucher Program and for Experienced Voucher Program Providers

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Practical Considerations When Starting a New Voucher Program and for Experienced Voucher Program Providers A call of the Respite Voucher Learning Collaborative, September 20, 2018 Are you thinking about starting…

Volunteer and Intern Training Agenda

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Example from Gio’s Garden

Engaging with Spanish-speaking Populations in the ID Family Caregiver Navigator Program

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This presentation was made to the ARCH Lifespan Respite Grantee and Partner Learning Collaborative on Implementing the National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers.  Presenters from the Idaho Family Caregiver Navigator…

DAY 3 Respite Research Summit: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility in Respite Research

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Presenter Kim Whitmore, PhD, RN, Marquette University College of Nursing PPT Slides