Resource Library
If you are looking for published research articles and other publications focused on respite research and evaluation, see also Findings and Updates and ARCH Annotated Bibliography.
Strategic Planning for Lifespan Respite: Why is it important and how is it done?
Strategic Planning for Lifespan Respite: Why is it important and how is it done? March 19, 2013 Pat Luchkowsky from the Ohio Respite Coalition and Jane Byrnes from the Ohio…
Sustaining Lifespan Respite Systems: Lessons Learned and Practical Applications with a Checklist for Success
Author: Susan Janko Summers, PhD, ARCH With technical assistance from ARCH and The Finance Project, eight Exemplar States chosen from among the Lifespan Respite grantees and partners, worked to develop…
CareBreak Respite Volunteer Application
From the CareBreak Respite Program at the Watson Institute
How to Help Hispanic Caregivers
2-page fact sheet from the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services.
Webinar on Charting the LifeCourse for Respite During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The LifeCourse Respite Tools were developed by the Charting the LifeCourse Nexus at the University of Missouri at Kansas City, Institute for Human Development in collaboration with ARCH to help…
Advancing the Breakroom in South Carolina’s Faith Communities
This presentation was part of a Lifespan Respite Track at the 2021 International Short Break Conference cohosted by ARCH Presenters Joe Ward, South Carolina Respite Coalition, SC, USA Kathy Mayfield-Smith,…
Senior Companion Volunteer Position Descriptions
Senior Companions serve adults with physical, emotional, or mental health limitations, especially older persons, in an effort to achieve and maintain their highest level of independent living. Senior Companion volunteers…
Caregiving – A series by Real World Health Care, 2023
Produced by the HealthWell Foundation Caregiving is a recently published series of articles that spotlights the organizations and efforts dedicated to making sure that those who care for loved ones…
COVID-19 Case Study: Lifespan Respite Washington Respite Voucher Program
Lifespan Respite Washington (LRW) offers caregiver support through vouchers or mini grants for unpaid caregivers supporting a family member, friend, or neighbor who has a special need or condition. Recognizing…
Engaging Employers in Lifespan Respite: Tools from ReACT
ReACT (Respect A Caregiver’s Time) is an employer-focused coalition dedicated to addressing the challenges faced by employee caregivers and reducing the impact on the companies that employ them. ReACT represents…
Grandparent and Older Relative Caregiver Self Assessment
From the Bluegrass Area Agency on Aging in Kentucky.
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