Resource Library
If you are looking for published research articles and other publications focused on respite research and evaluation, see also Findings and Updates and ARCH Annotated Bibliography.
Practical Considerations When Starting a New Program and for Experienced Voucher Program Providers
Are you thinking about starting a voucher respite program? Are you a seasoned veteran in implementing a program, but still have questions? The Respite Voucher Learning Collaborative will provide peer…
Colorado Medicaid Home and Community-Based Waivers
Home and Community-Based 1915(c) Waivers for Respite Support Medicaid is a program in every state that pays for medical assistance for certain individuals and families with low incomes and resources.…
Pathways to Respite
Developed by Informing Families, a resource of the Washington State Developmental Disabilities Council, in partnership with the Washington State Developmental Disabilities Administration, Aging & Long-Term Support Administration, and PAVE, which…
2024 Information Session for Innovative and Exemplary Respite Services Application Process
On September 5, 2023, ARCH held an information session for prospective applicants for recognition as an Innovative and Exemplary Respite Service. Please find the recording, the presentation slides, and CHAT…
ARCH Systems Change Outcome #1 Tracking Form
Prepared by ARCH as a sample form for tracking Lifespan Respite grant goal achievements. This form is used to track and report on Outcome #1: Grantees achieve the goals identified…
New York State’s Working Caregivers
2-page PDF with facts
White Paper: Building Capacity and Coordinating Support for Family Caregivers and the Direct Service Workforce
National Direct Service Workforce Resource Center, Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services Common goals and policy recommendations emerging from the CMS Leadership Summit on the direct service workforce and family…
No Wrong Door and Lifespan Respite
The Shared Vision of Connecting Individuals and Families to Services and Supporting Family Caregivers Accessing long-term services and supports (LTSS) at the community level for people with disabilities and older…
Worksheet 1: Workplan for Sustainability Planning
Worksheet to accompany the Sustainability Planning Workbook. The Finance Project’s Sustainability Planning Workbook, a comprehensive tool composed of five modules and a CD-ROM that helps users clarify their vision, identify key issues…
Webinar: “It’s like a weight lifted off your shoulder”: A qualitative study of adult carers taking a break
“It’s like a weight lifted off your shoulder” A qualitative study of adult carers taking a break Without sufficient support, informal carers are at risk of poor health and…
Transportation Access and Respite Care: Critical Information for Family Caregivers, Care Recipients, and Respite Providers
This fact sheet, prepared by ARCH and Easter Seals with Easterseals Transportation Group and Everline Consulting, LLC, provides strategies for identifying transportation options and eliminating transportation barriers related to the…
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