Performance Measurement
Demonstrating the efficient and effective use of resources is a hallmark of sound publicly-funded programs. This can be accomplished through the development of well thought-out performance metrics and strategies for collecting meaningful data. Such data can provide confidence that expended resources are yielding maximum results, document that services are benefitting consumers, and make the case to funders, policy makers and other stakeholders that the initiative is worthy of ongoing support. Performance measurement can also help monitor and manage programs and inform budgetary and strategic planning.
The information on this page is meant to assist Lifespan Respite grantees and their partners engage in the development of well-thought out and useful performance measurement plans as they implement activities under their Lifespan Respite grants or work to sustain these activities once federal funds are expended. The information should prove useful to others providing respite services as well.
Also included on this page is the Lifespan Respite Care Program Information and Data Collection Tool for Lifespan Respite Grantees.
Recommendations for Developing Performance Metrics for State Lifespan Respite Programs
The guide provides a roadmap with tools and step-by-step suggestions for developing a performance measurement plan that will reflect the unique goals, activities and approaches undertaken by State Lifespan Respite grantees and their partners. It defines and provides examples of performance targets and suggestions for measuring them. Finally, it offers examples of how grantees can plan and document their individual program’s performance targets and collect appropriate data for measurement and reporting purposes. Although all grantees are held accountable for the goals and objectives identified in their grant proposals, there is no requirement for grantees...
Performance Measurement/Evaluation Resources/Measurement Tools
The Modified Caregiver Strain Index (MCSI)
The Modified Caregiver Strain Index (MCSI) is a tool that can be used to quickly screen for caregiver strain with long-term family caregivers. It is a 13-question tool that measures…
Delaware Lifespan Respite Care Network RespiteOnline Referral Service Evaluation Form
Developed by the Delaware Lifespan Respite Care Network to evaluate satisfaction with the RespiteOnline Service.
The ICS is a short-form, 25-item self-report questionnaire that is administered to individual adults and young adults over the age of 12 years. Those completing the questionnaire must be literate…
North Carolina Minigrant Sample Pre and Post Respite Caregiver Surveys
Developed by the North Carolina Lifespan Respite Project The NC Lifespan Respite Project implemented minigrants in 2013 to community and faith-based agencies across the state to provide respite services. These…
Setting Goals to Maximize Your Respite Time
Developed by the North Carolina Lifespan Respite Project at the NC Division of Aging and Adult Services This tool was developed for use by family caregivers receiving respite from community…
Short breaks for carers: a scoping review
Short breaks for carers: a scoping review Prepared by Diane Seddon and Louise Prendergast, Wales Centre for Ageing and Dementia Research, School of Health Sciences, Bangor University and funded by…
Successful State Approaches for Measuring Lifespan Respite Outcomes
2015 Lifespan Respite Grantee and Partner Learning Symposium, Washington, DC. Presented By: Emily Kearns, MA Lifespan Respite Coalition and Joyce Pohlman, TX Department of Aging and Disability Services
VA Respite Voucher Satisfaction Survey 2022
As part of the Virginia Lifespan Respite Voucher Program, caregivers are required to fill out this brief Satisfaction Survey and submit it to the Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services…
Evaluating Respite: A Primer
Evaluating Respite: A Primer a presentation by Casandra Firman, ARCH Evaluation Consultant This presentation offers a primer on Respite Evaluation and answers the questions: Why evaluate? and What to Evaluate?…
More Nationally Recognized Tools:
See these websites for validated measurement and assessment tools:
Compendium of Annotated Tools, FRIENDS National Resource Center for Community-based Child Abuse Prevention.
Time for Living and Caring: Making Respite Services Work for You! from researchers at the University of Utah includes assessment tools and scales for Satisfaction with Caregiving (p 6), Positive Aspects of Caregiving (p 6), and Modified Caregiver Burden Inventory (p 4).
Assessing Caregiver Stress, Burden and Coping (APA)- overview
Brown University Toolkit of Instruments to Measure End-of-Life Care
- Screening and Assessment Tools for Child Welfare
- Coping Health Inventory For Parents
- Perceived benefits of caregiving
- Perceived Support Scale
- Picot Caregiver Rewards Scale
- Revised Scale for Caregiving Self-Efficacy
- Assessing Behavior, Observation and Functioning in Care Recipients
- Assessing Health Problems
- Cognitive Problem Assessment Tools
- Quality of Care Measures
- Evaluating Care Recipient Mental Health
- Impact on Family Scale
- The Psychosocial Assessment Tool
- Parenting Stress Index
- Family Burden of Injury Interview
American Psychological Association, Public Interest Directorate. Caregiver Assessment Tools.
Family Caregiver Alliance and Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging (2012; 2nd Edition). Selected Caregiver Assessment Measures: A Resource Inventory for Practitioners
Lund, D; Wright, SD; Caserta, M; Utz, R; Lindfelt, C; Montoro-Rodriguez, J; and Shon, H (2014). Time for Living and Caring, Making Respite Services Work for You.
US Administration on Aging. Performance Measurement Outcome Project (POMP).
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