Demonstrating the efficient and effective use of resources is a hallmark of sound publicly-funded programs. This can be accomplished through the development of well thought-out performance metrics and strategies for collecting meaningful data. Such data can provide confidence that expended resources are yielding maximum results, document that services are benefitting consumers, and make the case to funders, policy makers and other stakeholders that the initiative is worthy of ongoing support. Performance measurement can also help monitor and manage programs and inform budgetary and strategic planning.

The information on this page is meant to assist Lifespan Respite grantees and their partners engage in the development of well-thought out and useful performance measurement plans as they implement activities under their Lifespan Respite grants or work to sustain these activities once federal funds are expended. The information should prove useful to others providing respite services as well.

Performance Measurement/Evaluation Resources/Measurement Tools

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ID Family Caregiver Navitor Caregiver Retrospective Survey

Survey from Idaho Family Caregiver Alliance – Family Caregiver Navigator

Evaluating Outcomes for Children and Families Receiving Crisis Nursery Services

The ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center conducted the Crisis Nursery Program evaluation to examine relationships between crisis respite care and (1) incidents of reported child abuse and (2)…

More Nationally Recognized Tools:

See these websites for validated measurement and assessment tools: 

 Measures for Assessing Caregiving Coping (APA):
 Care Receiver Assessment Tools (APA):
 Parent Caregiver Tools (APA):

American Psychological Association, Public Interest Directorate. Caregiver Assessment Tools

Family Caregiver Alliance and Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging (2012; 2nd Edition). Selected Caregiver Assessment Measures: A Resource Inventory for Practitioners 

Lund, D; Wright, SD; Caserta, M; Utz, R; Lindfelt, C; Montoro-Rodriguez, J; and Shon, H (2014). Time for Living and Caring, Making Respite Services Work for You.

US Administration on Aging. Performance Measurement Outcome Project (POMP).