What are Respite Voucher Programs?

Respite Voucher Programs, also known as stipend, grant, or reimbursement programs, make funds available through self-direction to help family caregivers pay for respite care. Such programs empower family caregivers by giving them control in selecting, hiring, and if they choose, training their own respite providers. Payments can also be made directly to the respite provider or agency chosen by the family caregiver.

Overall, self-direction in respite provides the care recipient and their primary family caregiver control of who provides services and how that is achieved. Choice and control help to ensure that services are person and family-centered and result in satisfaction with services received.

Self-directed respite voucher programs may be offered through Medicaid Waiver Programs, the Family Caregiver Support Program administered by Area Agencies on Aging, Veteran-Directed Services, State or county-funded respite programs, or Lifespan Respite Care state grantees.  In implementing a respite voucher program, States use a variety of delivery and reimbursement systems, target different populations, and define provider eligibility differently. A majority of Lifespan Respite state grantees currently offers self-directed respite voucher programs that serve families caring for an individual of any age or condition who may not otherwise be eligible for other publicly funded respite programs.

State Voucher Programs

Respite Voucher Program Resources