The Senior Companion Program Plus (SCP Plus): Examining the Preliminary Effectiveness of a Lay Provider Program to Support African American Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD) Caregivers.

Xu, L.; Fields, N.L.; Williams, I.C.; Gaugler, J.E.; Kunz-Lomelin, A.; Cipher, D.J.; Feinhals, G. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, 5380.
A culturally informed, peer-led, lay provider model, the Senior Companion Program (SCP) Plus, was implemented to decrease caregiving burden/stress and improve coping skills and social support for African American ADRD caregivers. The authors found that SCP Plus was a promising model for African American family caregivers as it benefits both the SC volunteers and the African American ADRD family caregivers. The Senior Companion Program (SCP) (now known as the AmeriCorps Seniors Senior Companion Program) assigns adults aged 55 and older who are lower income to serve in the homes of frail older adults as volunteer companions. Among Senior companions’ tasks is providing respite to family caregivers.
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