User Guide
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Editing or Adding Pages
- From the top admin bar - New > Page
- On the page edit screen, give the page a title and edit the slug (the url path) if desired
- Click on the blue button for Blackbaud Builder
- Apply a template as a starting point
- Add any saved rows or modules that may help save you time
- Edit and add modules to build the page
- Go to the upper left menu and click on "Responsive Editing" to see what the page looks like on tablet and mobile.
- Make any adjustment needed to widths, heights, font-sizes, etc. making sure that what you're editing has the tablet or mobile icon next to it (this ensures that what you're editing won't effect the desktop view)
- Click the done button and either save as a draft or publish
Editing Page Image Banners
- Hover over the entire row and click the wrench to edit
- Scroll down to Background and you will see where the background of the row is set to an image
- Click on "Replace" to choose a new image from the Media Library.
- Save the row
Saving Your Own Template (or edit an existing one)
- Edit a page using the builder and get it to where you like it
- In the top left corner, click to open the drop down menu and select "Save Templalte"
- Give it a name and save. It will now show up in the list of templates.
Edit an existing template:
- Go to the template tab
- hover over the template you want to edit and click the wrench icon
- Use the builder to edit the template, then save
Editing a template DOES NOT update all the pages where that template was used as a starting point.
How to Edit the Header, Footer, and Other Global Elements
- These have all been saved as Globally saved rows. Go to the Saved tab and you will see all the rows needed.
- Hover over them and click the wrench to edit
- It will open in a new tab where you can use the builder tools to edit the row
- Save and the changes will be made across the site where the global row is used.
- If you're editing a row with dynamic content, the system may place placeholder/example text as a sample, or it may appear blank.
Editing Menus
- Go to Appearance > Menus or hover over your name in the top admin bar and click "Menus"
- Select from the drop-down list the menu you want to edit and click "Select". There is also a link next to this to add a new menu.
- Click and drag menu items to switch their order
- Add new pages from the list on the left, or use the Custom Links to add a link to an external page.
- Pages/links added to the menu will be added to the very bottom. Scroll down, click them, and move them into place.
- Save the menu
Editing Search and Filter Forms
- From the Dashboard, go to Search & Filter > Search and Filter Form
- Hover over the form you want to edit and click edit.
- If you need a new form, we highly recommend duplicating an existing form instead of starting from scratch.
- When the edit screen opens, the main things you'll want to edit are under the General tab where you'll see "Available Fields"
- You'll see fields such as search, taxonomy (categories), post date, reset button, etc. You can click and drag to move these in order. You can also click and drag a new option from the available list above.
- If you want to change the label or placeholder text of a form element, click on the element to open the settings
- Click on the Update button when you're done editing.
Add a New Post (News, Legislative Alerts, Press Releases, etc)
- From the top Admin Bar, click on New > Post
- Add the title and content in the main area. You can use the black plus button to add images, buttons, and other types of content.
- In the right column, there is a label for "Publish". If you want to back-date an article or schedule a post to publish in the futre, click on the blue link for "Immediately" and select a date.
- Also in the right column, under "Categories", select the appropriate category or click the "Add New Category" link.
- Also in the right column, click where it says "Set featured image" and choose an image to go along with the post. If you don't have an image, check the stock photos folder or just place your logo.
- Click the blue Publish button at the top of the page.
Add a New Resource
- From the top Admin bar, go to New > Resource
- Add the resource title
- In the main content editor area, add a description of the resource.
- Under "Document", click the Add File button to choose or upload the document. This will pull up the Media Library and you can click and drag or select a document to upload, or click on the Media Library tab to select a document that is already uploaded. Acceptable formats are PDF, Powerpoint, Word, Excel.
- Under "View Document Button Text", add the text for the button. Examples include "View & Download", "View Presentation Slides", etc.
- If there is a Spanish verison, upload it under "Document - Spanish Version"
- If it is a webinar, add the video url. This should be the url where the video lives in YouTube or Vimeo. Just the url, not the embed code.
- If there is an additional document it can be uploaded under "Additional Document." You can also create links to additional documents or resources in the content area by using the link button.
- In the right column, the publish date currently only matters for Webinars. So if it is a webinar, make sure the publish date is correct by clicking on "Edit" next to "Publish Immediately" and choosing the correct date.
- Under "Content Types", choose the correct type or click the link to add a new content type.
- Under "Topics", choose the correct topic or click the link to add a new topic.
- Under "Featured Image" add a screenshot of the document or video.
- Under "Produced By" select the appropriate author or click the Add New link to add a new one.
- Click the blue Publish button at the top of the page.
Add a New Bibliography Item
- From the top Admin bar, go to New > Bibliography
- Add the title
- In the main content editor area, paste the body of the text.
- Under "Author", add the authors names.
- Under "Journal/Publication" add where it was published
- In the right column, the publish date does not matter.
- Under "Topics", choose the correct type or click the link to add a new content type.
- Under "Years", choose the correct year or click the link to add a new year.
- Ignore the Featured Image
- Click the blue Publish button
Add a New Innovative & Exemplary Award
- From the top Admin bar, go to New > Award
- Add the organization name
- In the main content editor area, add a description of the organization.
- Under "Location", add the city and state.
- In the right column, check the correct year or click the "Add New" link to add a new year
- Under "States", select the correct state or click the "Add New" link to add a new one
- Under "Award Type", select the correct award
- Click on "Set a Featured Image" and choose or upload the organization's logo
- Click the blue Publish button
Add a New Learning Cooperative Meeting Summary
- From the top Admin bar, go to New > LC Meeting
- Add the date and meeting as the title
- In the main content editor area, add a description if desired
- Under "Meeting Date", add the meeting date
- Under "Agenda" upload the agenda if applicable
- Under "Recording" add the url to where the video lives on YouTube or Vimeo. This should only be the url, not the embed code.
- Under "Powerpoint Slides" click to select or upload the presentation slides if applicable
- If there are additional resource documents orlinks associated with the meeting, add them in the fields labeled Resource (this includes an upload button to add documents) or the Resource links (just urls)
- In the right column, under "Collaborative" choose the correct group
- Ignore the Featured Image
- Click the blue Publish button at the top of the page.
Adding New Categories
No matter which type of content you're adding (posts, resources, awards, etc.), you can add more categories
Add Meta Data to Pages
- Meta data is what Google sees and displays in search results. For each main page in your site, click on "Edit" to get to the edit screen page (not the builder)
- This is where you can edit the page title, the permalink, and the meta description.
- Under "AIOSEO Settings" you will see "Meta Description". By default it tries to pick up the first content it sees, but this is usually not what you want. Delete the "Page Content" tab that is there and type in your own short description of the page. It will give you a preview of how the snippet looks in Google above.
- You can also add a focus keyphrase. This is helpful for SEO but not necessary. For more information on using focus keyphrases, check out:
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