White House Executive Order on Increasing Access to High-Quality Care and Supporting Caregivers
In April, the White House issued an Executive Order that puts in place more than 50 executive branch actions across multiple agencies to support family caregivers and direct care workers and improve the overall care infrastructure. The actions would increase compensation and improve job quality for family caregivers and care workers; make care more accessible and affordable for families; and expand options for families by building the supply of care. Many of these actions build on and are a direct outgrowth of the National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers.
The National Respite Coalition joined AARP and more than 80 national organizations in sending a letter to President Biden thanking him for including family caregivers in the Executive Order and urging continued action and advancement of policies to support family caregivers. The letter also urges continued meaningful action on the National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers
ARCH developed a summary of actions in the Executive Order that impact family caregivers and respite care. See also a fact sheet on the Executive Order.
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